Your search returned 67 results.

Essential quantitative methods for business, management and finance / Les Oakshott.

by Oakshott, Les.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publication details: Palgrave 2001Availability: Items available for loan: HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HF5691 Oak. (1).

Introductory mathematical anlaysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler, Richard S. Paul.

by Haeussler, Ernest F | Paul, Richard S.

Edition: 10th ed.Publication details: Prentice Hall 2002Availability: Items available for loan: HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HF5691 Hae. (4).

Quantitative aproaches in business studies / Clare Morris.

by Morris, Clare.

Edition: 6th ed.Publication details: FT/Prentice Hall 2003Availability: Items available for loan: HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HF5691 Mor. (3).

Quantitative methods : a short course / Jon Curwin and Roger Slater.

by Curwin, Jon.

Publication details: Thomson Learning 2004Availability: Items available for loan: HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HF5691 Cur. (1), ELM LIBRARY (ELM)Call number: HF5691 Cur. (1).

Business mathematics and statistics / A. Francis.

by Francis, A.

Edition: 6th ed.Publication details: Thomson 2004Availability: Items available for loan: HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HF5691 Fra. (2).

Introductory mathematical analysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler, Richard S. Paul, R. J. Wood.

by Haeussler, Ernest F | Paul, Richard S | Wood, R. J.

Edition: 11th ed.Publication details: Pearson/Prentice Hall 2005Availability: Items available for loan: HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HF5691 Hae (1).

Mathematics for economics and business / Ian Jacques.

by Jacques, Ian.

Edition: 5th ed.Publication details: FT/Prentice Hall 2006Availability: Items available for loan: ELM LIBRARY (ELM)Call number: HB135 Jac (1), HELP UNIVERSITY (HU)Call number: HB135 Jac (1). Damaged (1).

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